Monday, August 30, 2010

The Move

I'm sorry I'm a little late to announce our move. We signed the lease and started to move on August 21. We have a house with four bedrooms and two bathrooms. We live in Provo now. I am only about 2 minutes away from the building I go to for school, which is quite nice for me. Stacey and Jayden have the Gollahers next door to walk to school with. They started school on Tuesday last week and have so far enjoyed it. I've been unpacking, organizing, and cleaning all week. We are mostly moved in except the few things left at my Mom's that I still need to pick up. We're almost done. It's been a long, tiring process and I have to admit that it's been wonderful to have our own space, even if it means finding out that we have entirely too many toys.
Stacey is very excited to finally have her own room. The boys are still sharing, but they don't seem to mind it. Kail loves the big, fenced back yard that he can go in whenever he wants. He also has the youngest Gollaher, Ashton to play with too. I don't have any pictures yet, but if anyone wants them, just let me know.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Family fun with the Gollahers

Yesterday we went to Hogle Zoo and Millcreek canyon with our good family friends the Gollahers (pronounced Golliers). It was a fairly nice day. Temps were in the upper 80's and there was very little breeze, which would have helped with the heat when we were outside in the blazing sun all day. The kids had a lot of fun together. We even got to be there for the baby elephant, Zuri's birthday celebration.

Jayden is waiting patiently on Jason's shoulders for Zuri to come out from her bath.

We stood and watched her play for a good 10 minutes.

Then the kids went on the carousel. Kail was not too pleased to be on there, but he went with Jason.

Trevin (Gollaher) and Stacey having some fun.

Kail's grumpy look.

Trevin, Jayden, Braden, Jason and Kail looking at lizards, snakes, turtles, and spiders.

They have a train ride at Hogle Zoo where we got to see buffalo and some other animals they don't have a walking path to. They were pretty. That's Travis' excited smile.

After the train, we went and had some very yummy lunch at Rubio's Mexican Grill. The kids enjoyed it as well. Even the youngest Gollaher made a very big mess. Then it was off to Smith's for some hot dogs and s'more makings and on to the canyon. We drove as far up as we could before we had to turn around and were able to find an empty picnic area.

This was a very pretty picture of a mountain from the parking lot in Millcreek canyon.

Trevin, Braden, Jayden and Kail actually stopping for a moment to get a picture.
We were right next to the creek and the kids had a blast playing in the very cold water just at the edge. Stacey ventured once or twice, but that was enough for her.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summer semester

Well, today was officially my last day for the summer semester. I had a total for 4 classes; physiology, fire behavior and combustion, personal health and wellness, and emergency services capstone. I finished physiology back in June and got a C in that class. Today I took my final for my health class and got a 92%, without studying! So, for that class I'll probably be looking at an A- for a final grade. Yesterday I wrote a 10 page paper for my capstone on code of ethics and got my grade this morning, 100%! I was so excited. I will probably get an A in that class as well. The only other class I am wondering about is my fire behavior and combustion grades. I've done everything that needed to be done, but the instructor has only graded 4 assignments since the beginning of the semester in May, so I have no idea what I'll be getting in that class.
I'm really excited to have done so well in my classes and just wanted to share it with everyone else.