Thursday, April 7, 2011

Final Medical Adventures

I got the "OK" to no longer where the boot. I am fully in a shoe now and I am totally excited. It's been too long. I have good range of motion and very little pain in the soft tissue and the doctor said I've healed well. I cannot do any running yet, but that's okay because I wasn't much of a runner to begin with. I can do low impact Zumba, which means that I won't be jumping around with them, but I can at least get back into it. I've missed Zumba.
I do have to have a tooth pulled today because it is causing a huge amount of pain and I have to have an endontist do a root canal on it if I wanted to save the tooth. But, we don't have the $704 to pay the endotist or the extra $300 for the build-up and crown, so I'm opting for the pull. That gives us time to save up for the bridge or whatever they will do to hold the space of the tooth that was pulled.
Otherwise, we are all still the same here. School for the older two kids and me. Kail is Kail. He'll be 4 in 2 months. I can't believe that. He's getting so big. Stacey and Jayden are doing well in school and they are looking forward to Spring Break next week. Yikes! A house full of kids for a week. Crazy!


  1. Thank goodness for the Wii, eh?

  2. No kidding, except for when he gets tired of it or can't pass a certain spot on the level he's playing.
