This is the kids crossing the bridge over the river at our picnic area.
The kids had a blast doing the egg hunt and Rick and Mallory were very nice in where they put the eggs so that kids who are not so observant were able to find them. They each got 16 eggs filled with candy.
On Sunday, my kids did a little egg hunt around the house. The picture thing on this website is not working with me, so I am not able to post anymore pictures. They each got a cool prefilled basket. Stacey got a Glee tv show themed basket that came with a three ring folder, a mouse pad, a pencil contain, and a few other things. She also got a small purse and a bracelet.
Jayden got a football and a couple of Star Wars action figures. He's completely stoked and has played with them constantly all day yesterday.
Kail got a big monster truck toy and Boba Fett gun. He has been running about with that gun shooting anything he feels like.
I promise that if I can figure out how to get the picture thing working again I will post more pictures.